Management Goals

Contribute to the national
economic development
by bolstering industrial
competitiveness and
financial support for growth
of the marine industry

KOBCKorea Ocean

Global Leading
Institution in
Ocean Finance

Management Goals

  1. Ship DWT

    Ship DWT

    Secured 10 million
    new national DWT


  2. New Finance

    New Finance

    Provide KRW 7 trillion of
    New finance


  3. Smart Platform

    Smart Platform

    Implement smart shipping logistics
    integrated Platform


  4. ESG


    Best rating in the
    ESG Public sector


Strategic direction and tasks

  • Leading future maritime finance
    1. Expanding maritime financial supply
    2. Industrial revitalization through maritime finance
    3. Bolster the corporation’s financial capability
  • Enhance innovative eco-system of the maritime industry
    1. Carbon neutral support for national shipping companies
    2. Digital transformation of the shipping industry
    3. Build co-existing maritime industry eco-system
  • Developed as maritime information THINK TANK
    1. Provide market-friendly intelligence information
    2. Promotes competitiveness of knowledge-based shipping companies
    3. Build maritime logistics information platform
  • Actualize reliable management trusted by the public
    1. Build ESG-based management system
    2. Actualize an organization that takes the initiative for happiness of the people
    3. Leading integrity and ethical management