Shipping Information

Shipping information

Shipping information

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Provide timely high-quality shipping market information to shipping companies, minimise dependence on foreing research institute and securing information competitiveness to lead the shipping industry

Key Details

Publication of shipping market report

  • Publication of a special/in-depth shipping market report
    1. Publication of daily/weekly/quarterly/yearly Market report
    2. Publication of special report on urgent issues in the Shipping Market

Information Exchange with Worldwide
Shipping institutions

  • Establishment of cooperative systems with overseas research institute
  • Expansion of exchange Shipping information through Shipping forums
    1. Share current issues and prospects in the Shipping industry on a quarterly basis
  • Hosting a KOBC Maritime Conference
    1. Market review and forecast by global experts in shipping and finance

Shipping Information Channel

  • Improve the accessibility of information for shipping companies through information channel
    1. Provision of Market report, freight index and ship price.
  • Improve customer convenience with SNS channel (Kakao Talk)
  • Provide free market report more than 300 times per year

KOBC Freight Index Management

  • KDCI(KOBC Drybulk Composite Index) publication (2020.7.6.)
    1. Announcement of Daily Freight Index for 27 routes of 4 ship size
  • KCCI (KOBC Container Composite Index) operation (2022.11)
    1. Announcement of weekly freight index for 3 lanes, 13 routes


Access to the KOBC homepage Go to Shipping Information
KOBC website access path

Press the ‘Shipping Information Service’ button at the top right of the Corporation’s homepage.

Access to Kakao Talk

Search “Korea Ocean Business Corporation” Move to KOBC Kakao Channel
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Search ‘Korea Ocean Business Corporation’ on Kakao Talk and then subscribe KOBC’s shipping information channel.