Environment-friendly ship support program

Finance for ship introduction

Environment-friendly ship

This program is jointly invested by KOBC and KDB for environment-friendly ships (other than container ships) to be introduced by national shipping companies (including second-hands ships).

*environment-friendly ships: environment-friendly energy-powered ships or ships equipped with environment-friendly facilities

Feature and Benefit

  • Acquisition of beneficiary securities of execution fund under the Capital Market Act as an investment to individual execution fund
  • Enhancing global market competitiveness of shipping companies by supporting preemptive responses to marine environmental regulations
  • Service improvement and operating cost reduction by input low-cost and high-efficiency environment-friendly ships
  • Contribute to the government's environment-friendly ship conversion policy and secure mid- to long-term growth engines for shipping companies

Operation criteria

Operation criteria
Financial structure Investment in beneficiary securities under the Capital Market Act
Investment target New shipbuilding or ships to be purchased
Investment amount Ship price valuation amount × investment ratio
Investment proportion About 75% of total investment amount (flexible operation for each project)
Investment period Within 15 years (Within the residual useful life of the ship based on investment maturity)
Applicable interest rate Arrangement in consideration of credit rating, investment period, and investment ratio
Applicable interest rate = Basic applicable interest rate (according to internal system) ±
discount/ premium (considering project
feasibility and policy factors)
Repayment method Set by comprehensive review of support target, project structure, and project feasibility results

Financial structure diagram (examples)

저장Financial structure(Example)